Passport office chandigarh contact number


Passport office chandigarh contact number

PSK Chandigarh
Plot No-50, Adarsh Lifestyle Mall,
Industrial Area Phase II, Chandigarh
[email protected]

you can also use Google Maps or any other mapping application to locate the Passport Office in Chandigarh. You can search for ‘Passport Office Chandigarh’ on Google Maps, and it will show you the location of the office along with directions to reach there.

Once you have located the Passport Office in Chandigarh, you can visit the office to apply for a passport or avail any other passport-related services. You will have to book an appointment in advance by visiting the Passport Seva website and selecting the appropriate option. It is advisable to carry all the necessary documents and photographs along with you while visiting the Passport Office to avoid any inconvenience.

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