Alwar Bus Stand enquiry number


Alwar Bus Stand enquiry number


The enquiry number for Alwar Bus Stand in Rajasthan, India is +91-144-2334984. This is the official phone number of the bus stand where you can enquire about the bus timings, fares, and other related information. You can also use this number to lodge a complaint or report any issues related to the bus services. Additionally, you can also visit the official website of Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC) to find more information about the bus services and schedules from Alwar Bus Stand.


Alwar Bus Stand is a major bus terminal located in the city of Alwar in the state of Rajasthan, India. It serves as a crucial transportation hub for the region, connecting various parts of Rajasthan and neighboring states like Haryana and Delhi.

The bus stand is located in the heart of the city, making it convenient for travelers to access various parts of Alwar. It has a large number of buses operating to various destinations, including local buses and long-distance buses.

If you’re looking to travel to or from Alwar, you can find bus services from the bus stand to many nearby cities and towns, such as Delhi, Jaipur, Agra, and Gurgaon, among others. You can also book bus tickets online through various travel portals or directly from the bus operators.

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